How to Make Architectural Portfolio in Powerpoint TUTORIAL

How to Make Architectural Portfolio in Powerpoint

This article will explore the elements that become into creating a successful architecture presentation lath, discussing; layout, visual hierarchy, structure, colour, image pick, what to include, what software to use and tutorials on how to use it, and where to look for inspiration.

Providing you with the knowledge and confidence to produce a professional, creative production that communicates the heart and soul of your piece of work.

What are presentation boards used for?

Architecture presentation boards serve several different purposes:

  • Students use them to nowadays work to their professors and peers.
  • Professionals apply them to nowadays designs to clients, committees, shareholders, and exhibitions.
  • They may be a means to win a commission, or they may assist to take a projection into the adjacent stage.

What is the purpose of an architecture presentation board?

Architecture presentation boards are a tool to showcase your piece of work. They are a way to describe your viewers into your design process and methods, providing an overall summary and vision for the project. You are communicating your design and showcasing your artistic skills, and your sense as a designer.

Every successful projection has a central concept, a "large movie" theme that gives information technology purpose. When you look at your project, what is that big idea?

As it is primal to your whole projection, this will guide you as you prioritize your work and determine the flow of your ideas. The primary purpose of your project is to communicate this key concept in the best way possible.


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How to create an architectural presentation board

Construction/Social club

Before you begin laying out your presentation board, think about the main points you want to convey. From in that location, make up one's mind what images and graphics will best represent those ideas. Gather all of the information you will demand, making a note of what graphics and text you volition need to communicate your ideas.

Remember, you are essentially telling a story, then pay close attention to the flow of the narrative equally you arrange your elements. Consider the offset, middle, and finish of the story you desire to tell.

Depending on the guidelines you are given, yous may present your boards side-past-side, as carve up boards presented in a sequence, or every bit i big poster. If no strict parameters are in place, figure out what structure and layout will tell your story the best. While a series of boards will logically convey your story, one big board is frequently the easiest pick.



Volition your presentation board be oriented in portrait or landscape? Sometimes you volition get to make that telephone call, simply many times information technology will exist adamant for you by your director, customer, or professor. Make sure you know beforehand what the parameters are.

If you become to cull, requite it some careful idea. Which orientation will give your graphics the room they need to be the nigh impactful? Which orientation gives your whole projection a natural menses for your narrative?


Much like orientation, you lot may or may not get to determine what size your presentation boards will be. You will often take restrictions that limit you lot to a specific board size and a certain number of boards.

Make sure you know your limitations earlier you outset working on your layout. Your boards should all be the same size to achieve continuity.

You can use a combination of dissimilar sizes to produce a lath of equivalent size. For example, a combination of two A1  boards will add together up to an A0 board.


The most common fashion to organize your layout is by using a filigree. Using a grid will assist keep the boards in your project consistent.

If you are using InDesign, you can achieve this uniformity by creating a master page that acts equally a template for your whole project.

Templates are useful considering they can save you a peachy deal of time, and they ensure uniformity throughout your project. Your grid should include spaces for titles, numbering, your proper noun, and any other data that will repeat on each lath.

Before you start laying out your actual boards, sketch out various configurations so yous tin can determine what volition work best. Yous can do a small-scale-scale sketch to get the bones idea of the flow of each board. This allows y'all to change the organization of the elements earlier you commit to annihilation on your boards.

Y'all can practise this initial phase using software or sketching it out on paper.

Later you accept determined what type of layout you desire to apply, estimate how much space yous will need for each element on the folio. Each graphic needs to be big enough to take an impact. Make up one's mind how much space you would similar to leave in between each graphic.

Utilize equal spacing throughout your project to create continuity. Here is an excellent tutorial on planning your layout using Indesign:

The layout of each board should bear witness the relationship betwixt all of the elements. It should be clear to read and follow a logical left-to-right and peak-to-bottom progression.

Imagine a viewer looking at your presentation. What practice you want them to see starting time? What is the best mode to make them understand your project? Does your layout achieve this?

Yous should likewise pay attending to the human relationship betwixt each lath. Is there a logical progression from one lath to the next? Does the sequence make sense? If yous will non display the boards in a configuration that makes them all visible at in one case, brand certain y'all number them, so your viewers follow the correct sequence.

Don't feel the need to fill up every square inch of your presentation lath. Leave plenty space then that it doesn't look besides decorated or cluttered. On the other hand, don't get out too much space either, or it will look like you lot didn't end the board, didn't accept enough material for the lath, or that you didn't work very difficult.

Visual Hierarchy

Some of your images need to garner more than attention than others. Consider all of the graphics and text you will be using. Which images are cardinal to your master thought?

The images that are essential for communicating your vision should have up more than space in the filigree. You should take an image that people can see from a distance and other images that they can see from upward shut. This creates a visual hierarchy.

What is the most important attribute of your project? Make that the element people can see from a altitude. In that location are ways to accomplish this in addition to making it the largest chemical element on the lath. For example, y'all tin can use color to describe the viewer's eye to a particular graphic, especially if the rest of the board is monochromatic.

Visual hierarchy can be created through proportion
Visual hierarchy can be created through proportion
Structure and order can be determined by size and shape
Structure and club can be adamant past size and shape


The background of your presentation board should exist simple. This allows the viewer to see all of the elements without the lark of a busy groundwork. You don't want annihilation to detract from the critical details of the board. Your graphics and text should be the master focus; don't employ bold colors or textures that volition detract from that.

A white, or even light greyness, background volition make your graphics and text stand out. Information technology volition give your presentation a professional look that isn't too busy. Y'all can utilize other colors if they help convey your central concept; just brand sure the background is plain enough that the viewer focuses on the design, not the background.

Exist very selective when using a black background, every bit it may make the text harder to read, and your graphics may not stand up out as much as you would like them to.

Whatever color you cull for your background, use it to your advantage.  Effective apply of negative infinite can make your design wait clean and professional person.

Color Scheme

Many professionals and students stick with black, white, and grey for presentation boards. While this tin give your boards a professional person expect, don't exist afraid to add a pop of colour. While sticking with greyscale may seem similar a condom choice, there is a risk of blacks and greys making your blueprint seem cold and lifeless.

Think well-nigh means you can use color to bring life to your blueprint. Yous may opt to add together but one colour, such as green for landscaping, to provide contrast to an otherwise monochromatic presentation. You could besides bring in an boosted color to correspond a particular edifice material (brick, glass, woods, etc.).

You tin as well choose a brighter, more than centre-communicable colour, such every bit xanthous or orange, equally a characteristic in your diagrams. Whatever yous choose, use the same color beyond all of your boards to maintain a consequent flow.

If colour is one of the primary focuses of your project, or if there are details that you cannot adequately represent in greyscale, then you should feel gratuitous to delve deeper into the world of color. Don't limit yourself to merely an emphasis color in this example, just don't take information technology besides far and make the error of overusing color to the point where it is a lark.


All of the text throughout your project should be in ane font. Don't utilize font manner equally an avenue for creativity; it is more important to make sure the font style and size produce a readable, consequent product.

Sans serif fonts, such equally Helvetica or Futura, volition give your presentation a clean, minimalist look.

Avoid script or handwriting fonts, equally they volition not give your boards a clean, professional look. Keep the color of your font dark (black or dark gray work well) to provide contrast to a lite background.

Whichever font you select, make sure the fashion and size are readable for your viewers before you lot finalize your boards. The all-time way to practise this is to impress out your text on an A3 paper, pin information technology upward somewhere, and stand back to come across how information technology will look when it is displayed.

Architectural Fonts
Architectural Fonts

Architectural Fonts

A list and clarification of the about popular fonts for architecture


The most common placement for a title bar is the top left since your board will nearly likely follow a left-to-correct and top-to-bottom progression. Many successful and professional person-looking boards have titles at the top correct, at the bottom, or somewhere in the middle.

Cull the position that makes the most sense for your project. Equally with other design decisions, brand sure information technology does not distract the viewer from seeing the big picture.

Make sure the title placement is consistent from board to board. This consistency volition be both visually highly-seasoned and professional.


Keep your explanations concise. People are not going to spend much fourth dimension reading lengthy descriptions, so only include relevant data and keep information technology short. Remember that your text boxes are part of your visual hierarchy, so utilize the size and alignment to complement your graphics. Consider the various ways you tin marshal the text within the text box. What flows best? What is pleasing to the centre?

Aside from your championship, do not use all capitals in your text. Your work will wait more professional and be easier to read if you stick with the standard rules of capitalization.

Whenever possible, utilize a graphic or a sketch, rather than an explanation, to portray an idea. Since this is a graphic presentation, you want your graphics to tell the story, non your text. Include a concise statement that highlights the features of your blueprint. This is basically your sales pitch; lengthy explanations will make you lot lose your audience.

Image Selection

The choice of images is a disquisitional part of putting your presentation board together. The graphics you choose tin can make or break your entire design presentation.

You lot desire to select the images that all-time convey the important details of your project. If y'all use besides many images, your presentation may appear cluttered and confusing. If you lot use as well few images, it may look similar you lot did not put much effort into your presentation.

Over the form of your projection, you have generated countless sketches, renderings, models, and drawings. Resist the temptation to include everything just to show how difficult yous worked. Go on your big picture in mind and determine which images will directly testify or all-time support that idea.


On occasion, a physical model, or fifty-fifty several models showing different aspects of your pattern, may exist required for your presentation board. This is an additional ways of communicating your vision to your viewers.

There are several materials you can choose for your model. Menu and cardboard are inexpensive and come in diverse weights, finishes, and colors.

Foam board is also available in various widths and thicknesses. It is by and large white, just it also comes in other colors. It is very lightweight and sturdy, making it an ideal material for your presentation board.

Balsawood is some other good pick. Information technology is like shooting fish in a barrel to work with and comes in varying weights. The textile you choose volition depend on the look you are trying to attain as well equally how much weight you can adhere to your presentation lath.

Your model pieces can exist cut by hand with tools such as an 10-Acto knife or a scalpel. If yous take admission to a light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation cutter, it volition save you lot some time and give you more precision.

How To Improve Your Model Making

Fourth dimension Constraints

Requite yourself enough time to produce a well-thought-out, effective, visually appealing presentation. Yous spent a considerable corporeality of time on your blueprint; information technology would exist a shame to rush through your presentation boards. Requite each part of the procedure plenty attention and then that your final product actually showcases and highlights your talent and hard work.

Time management is critical when working on a big project like this. Information technology can seem overwhelming at starting time, so split the projection into smaller sub-tasks to make it more manageable. Requite yourself a borderline for each of those smaller tasks. Brand a schedule that shows which tasks yous volition accomplish each day. Make sure y'all exit yourself a little jerk room in example anything unexpected comes up.

What should be included?

Unless you receive explicit instructions regarding what to include in your presentation boards, information technology is upwards to y'all which elements make the cutting. When y'all are deciding what elements to comprise into your project, reverberate on what volition best explicate your design. When someone completely unfamiliar with your project is looking at your boards, what do you want them to encounter?

When deciding what text to include in your projection, make certain y'all include an introduction, your design brief, and any applicative precedents. In addition, y'all will want to include curtailed textual explanations as needed throughout your presentation.

For your graphic representations, yous want to include the basics: elevations, floor plans, and sections. You lot tin represent these with 3d drawings, perspectives, or renders.  You may likewise include some key features of your pattern that make information technology unique, and in addition to highlighting the finished production, select elements that bear witness your concept and design development.

Some additional tips:

  • When choosing a perspective view, select one that highlights the best aspects of your design. This graphic is usually the most prominent picture on the presentation board. The hero epitome!
  • Yous will want to include at least two different summit views so your viewers can get a sense of the bigger movie.
  • Don't exist agape to include sketches. If you include some sketches that testify the progression from a simple thought to the final production, yous can communicate your vision as well every bit your procedure.

When yous are calculation all of these elements to your presentation lath, brand sure each graphic representation of the plan has the same orientation. If i pic has north pointed in ane direction and another movie has north pointed in a different direction, it can exist disorienting for the viewer.

Likewise, each graphic should use the same scale unless there is one picture that is bigger than the others for the purpose of visual bureaucracy.

There is one obvious detail that you may inadvertently overlook. Make certain your proper name is on your presentation board. If you lot have more than one lath, put your proper noun on each one. The proper name is in the bottom right-hand corner, but information technology can also appear in the title bar.

What programs should you utilise?

There are several software applications you tin use to build your presentation board. Cull one that yous are already familiar with, then you aren't trying to learn new software while you are doing your layout. That is an added stressor that yous just don't need!

InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop are excellent programs, but if you need something a chip more than simple, Microsoft Word, Pages, Powerpoint, or Keynote volition also work.

InDesign was designed for making presentations. AutoCAD was designed for constructing plans. Photoshop was designed for editing raster images. Illustrator was designed for creating vector fine art. While some people are able to make their whole presentation using Illustrator, Photoshop, or even PowerPoint, it makes more than sense to utilize each piece of software in a style that takes advantage of its strengths.

You can import files from AutoCAD, Photoshop, and Illustrator into InDesign and take advantage of the strengths of each awarding.

Architecture lath presentation ideas

Before you lot delve into your own presentation lath, do some research. Look online for examples and brand a note of the elements you like. Combine that inspiration with your creativity to produce a stunning presentation.

Here are some websites you lot can use for inspiration:

The President's Medals Winners

Pinterest – Architectural Presentation Boards

Globe Architecture Students Community – Presentation Boards


Even the nearly exceptional pattern concept can appear uninspired if you do not present it well.

You lot have spent weeks, maybe fifty-fifty months, on your design. Don't sell yourself curt past not communicating your vision well. The professional, artistic, and aesthetic quality of your presentation will affect how your piece of work is received.


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How to Make Architectural Portfolio in Powerpoint TUTORIAL

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